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Instances of Relationship

Relationship is seen literarily as a form of behaviour or feeling towards someone. It also deals with the connection or similarity between t...

Relationship is seen literarily as a form of behaviour or feeling towards someone. It also deals with the connection or similarity between two or more entities.

Relationship by me is most times defined in respect of the followings:

Relationship through social and personal interest: People of like passion and interest seem to be more attracted to one another by virtue of their unique disposition

Marital Relationship: Husband and wife are obviously related by the exchange of vows to be committed to one another

Geographical Definition: people of the same geographical extraction could be said to be related. As members of FOL, we are related by virtue of belonging to the same church outlet. Also, people from the same community may find it easy to define a relationship amongst them

Divine relationship: We are heirs in God’s Kingdom through which our relationship with him is defined.

Other forms of relationships could be summarized as:
Child/Parent relationship
Employee/Employer relationship.

The primary ingredient needed for a relationship is a common factor that defines entities in that relationship. This might not necessarily lead to one but it must exist to kick start a relationship.

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